Mashroom Chilli

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This is a quick and simple recipe  with lot of punch, more chillies you add more the punch. This is dry variety with no gravy.




  1. Mashrooms 1 Cup
  2. Green Chillies 4
  3. Lime Juice or Lemon juice 1 tablespoon
  4. Red Chilli paste or Red chilli sauce
  5. Honey 1 teaspoon
  6. Garlic paste 1 teaspoon
  7. Ginger Julienne 1 tablespoon
  8. Peanuts 2 tablespoon
  9. Sesame Oil 1 teaspoon
  10. Cooking Oil 1 tablespoon
  11. Salt as per taste
  12. Green Coriander finely chopped 1 teaspoon
  13. Onion 1 chopped



  1. Wash and cut the mushrooms in small pieces
  2. Cut the Onion in long pieces
  3. Take a pan and add some cooking oil
  4. Add the mushrooms and cook.
  5. After 5 minutes when the mushrooms are dried and cooked add some chilli paste or chilli sauce.
  6. Add half of the lime juice.
  7. Sprinkle some salt. The moment you add the salt the mushrooms will get wet as the water starts coming out when salt is put.
  8. Let the water dry add some sesame oil and stir ( Sesame oil is only to get the flavour, you can skip it)
  9. Keep the mushrooms aside
  10. Take the pan and add some cooking oil
  11. Add the garlic and fry for 30 seconds
  12. Add the onions and cook for 2 minutes
  13. Add the Green chillies
  14. Add the remaining lime juice
  15. Add some peanuts
  16. Now add the mushrooms and switch off the flame.
  17. Sprinkle green coriander when done

Enjoy with  steamed rice.




Recipe Name
Chilli Mashroom
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